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Author: launekidz
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ATTENTION: This ebook is a single ebook. YOU NEED A SECOND ANIMAL to sew a complete cuddly toy!
This ebook has a difficulty of 3 out of 3.
You get

  • Language: English and german
  • Pattern sheet for "Krempeltier" side supoerhero/superheroine
  • Illustrated instructions
  • Tips and tricks for choosing materials

“Krempeltier” – what does it mean?
A “Krempeltier” is a german proper name and difficult to translate. This refers to a cuddly toy that can be turned into another cuddly toy through a reversible opening.
The pattern collection is based on a modular principle. All ebooks can be combined with each other.

Level 1 is suitable for experienced beginners. Level 2 requires a little more skill - the appliqués become more complicated. Level 3 is also fun for cuddly toy professionals - many details make the animal more elaborate and challenging.
For smaller children, we recommend only sewing level 3 carded animals with level 1 carded animals - otherwise it will be a little difficult to turn them inside out.

So you are free to decide which animals you want to sew together. You need two animals for “Krempeltier” - one on the outside and one on the inside. You can turn the animal over through the opening on the underside of the animal and turn the inside animal inside out.


Thank you very much!

Skills Required / What You'll Receive

This ebook contains the pattern sheet for a "Krempeltier" side superhero/superheroine, illustrated instructions for the"Krempeltier" side superhero/superheroine and tips and tricks for choosing materials. This ebook has Level 3.

Level 1 is suitable for experienced beginners. Level 2 requires a little more skill - the appliqués become more complicated. Level 3 is also fun for cuddly toy professionals - many details make the animal more elaborate and challenging.
For smaller children, we recommend only sewing level 3 carded animals with level 1 carded animals - otherwise it will be a little difficult to turn them inside out.

Size Information

The finished cuddly toy is about 20-25 cm wide.

Materials List

You will need:
Plush in different colours
Microfibre balls as filling
Transparent, highly elasticated seam tape (e.g. Vlieseline ® Framilastic)
Appliqué stabiliser (e.g. Bondaweb)
Water-soluble stabiliser (e.g. AVALON) if necessary
Appliqué scissors
trick marker
Thick stabiliser/ volume vlies
embroidery thread in different colours
textile felt for the mask
press buttons for the mask
Velcro fastener for the cape

Additional Details by the Author

All rights to this pattern and the instructions are owned by launekidz (owner: Sharon Bruns). Copying and distribution are not permitted. This pattern may be used for private purposes and for the commercial production of up to 5 individual items. A commercial licence can be purchased for more than 5 commercial productions. When selling products made using the pattern, launekidz must be cited as the source.


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