Bags serve a variety of purposes, such as shopping, storing things or just keeping usual small necessities of life. That´s why we would like to introduce our original cosmetic bags in this category. It includes, for example, modern clutch bags which are particularly well-suited for trendsetters. On the other hand, they can also be used as a classic small traditional bag of square shape for special occasions. The great advantage of our self-made cosmetic bags is that they are relatively quickly and easily sewn, you do not need too much fabric and their skill level is rather low. Sewing bags are perfect as a successful start into the hobby sewing and to feel proud of the first achievements.
You have chosen one of our cosmetic bags and would like to sew a toiletry bag or to make a case to hold all sorts of little items? Then simply click on the product page to find out what kind of basic knowledges and what materials you need to be make sure you are buying something you do really want. If you are quite sure, you can download the right pattern with just a few clicks and use it as an e-book or PDF file. If you like to get an overview on our platform, take a look at our free patterns. Use our easy-to-use sorting tool and try out some of our free patterns before you spend any money.
If you come across a problem, despite our detailed instructions, you can contact the author of the pattern directly and describe your difficulties. Alternatively, there is also a possibility to visit our forum and ask experienced members of our community for help. By the way, you can also present your work there or just have a small chat.