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Autor: nancy-brown-designer
Sprache: English
Preis: 4,57 €
Mit dem Guthaben-Konto: 4,34 €
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Auf den Merkzettel

This offer is for a crochet pattern from Nancy Brown-Designer, a pattern for cute beanie hats. This offer is for the pattern only, not the finished hats.

Beanies are a trusty standard for crochet hats. They are usually simple caps and hats that never go out of style. For the Beginner just learning to crochet, this pattern offers a simple crochet beanie that is shaped for style, comfort and fit. Add a cute little flower to the band for a little something extra.

Worked up quickly and easily in a DK or light worsted weight yarn, this popular hat style is so up-to-date and flattering you will want to make one in several colors. These adorable beanies are perfect for the gifting season which always seems to be just around the corner.

Was Du können solltest und was Du bekommst

Skill level: Beginner
Instructions: This pattern PDF contains three pages of written instructions.
Please note: Instructions come in an easy to read, easy to understand pattern and are written in U.S. crochet terminology.


Size: Adult woman - one size fits most.

Benötigte Materialien

Materials: Yarn: "Mellowspun DK" (a DK weight or size 3 yarn) from Mary Maxim or "Colorfusion DK" (a DK weight or size 3 yarn) from Premier Yarns.
Tools: U.S. sizes G and H crochet hooks.

Sonstige Angaben des Autors/der Autorin

All of my patterns are digital files.

Copyright: I retain all copyrights to my patterns. The original copyright does not transfer with the sale of the pattern PDF.

Thank you for stopping at my Crazy Patterns Store. I'm always working on new and exciting creations, please visit often to see new designs. Also visit my website "Imagine Crochet" for hints and suggestions, tutorials to jumpstart your crochet imagination, new patterns and maybe a freebie or a discounted pattern once in a while.

Best crochet wishes,


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