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Triple Moon Narrow Peyote Stitch Bracelet - 2 versions
Triple Moon Narrow Peyote Stitch Bracelet - 2 versions
Triple Moon Narrow Peyote Stitch Bracelet - 2 versions

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Autor: KC-Dragonfly
Sprache: English
Preis: 4,13 €
Mit dem Guthaben-Konto: 3,92 €
Alle Preisangaben inkl. MwSt. Auf Guthaben-Konto einzahlen »
Dieses Produkt wird angeboten in: English. Deine ausgewählte Sprache ist Deutsch. Willst Du diese Anleitung wirklich kaufen?

Auf den Merkzettel

These patterns are for a triple moon narrow banded bracelet, featuring the phases of the moon against a black background. There are two versions of the design included in your download.

Was Du können solltest und was Du bekommst

You will receive a .pdf with the following:

  1. A preview of the finished pattern.
  2. A list of materials needed.
  3. The bead legend with Delica numbers & colors used.
  4. A detailed, numbered graph of the pattern.
  5. A word chart of the pattern.

Skill Level: Beginner
Requires knowledge of flat, odd count peyote to complete.


Size: 0.69 in. (1.75 cm) wide x 4.92 in. (12.49 cm) long.

Benötigte Materialien

Materials Needed;
Miyuki or Delica seed beads size 11.
Beading Needles - Sizes 10 or 11 recommended.
Beading Thread - any size. 1 spool, black recommended.

Sonstige Angaben des Autors/der Autorin

Pattern instructions are for 2 colors which can be swapped out for any colors you choose.
Pattern is for personal use only. Please do not share, sell or copy.


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