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Autor: Monica-Me
Sprache: English
Preis: 11,90 €
Mit dem Guthaben-Konto: 11,31 €
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Dieses Produkt wird angeboten in: English. Deine ausgewählte Sprache ist Deutsch. Willst Du diese Anleitung wirklich kaufen?

Auf den Merkzettel

English only! Pattern does not contain crochet lessons. You must have basic crochet skills.
Elevate your crafting experience with the "Doll Storm Crochet Pattern." Immerse yourself in the joy of creating this charming amigurumi doll with this detailed and delightful pattern. Crafted with passion, this pattern provides you with the skills to bring this doll to life.

Was Du können solltest und was Du bekommst

The pattern includes a comprehensive 28-page guide with 45 step-by-step photos, ensuring that even those with intermediate crochet skills can embark on this creative journey.


The size of a ready doll is 40 cm, if you use supplies mentioned below.
Because of the size of the feet, the doll is very stable, no wire is required, but she cannot sit.

Benötigte Materialien


  1. Yarn: Catania Schachenmayr – 8 colors
  2. Hook size 2.0 mm (US-B/1) and 2.5 mm (US-C/2)
  3. Sewing needle (short and long) and scissors
  4. Fiberfil, safety pins, stich marker
  5. 2 black safety eyes, 8 mm
  6. Cardboard or plastic for the feet
  7. 8 buttons for the cargo pants, 2 buttons for the cap and 2 buttons for the backpack
  8. 1 wax crayon (pink) for the cheeks or lipstick
  9. Covered copper wire 2.8 mm diameter, about 10-11 cm long for the arms (optional)
  10. Textile glue for fixing the hair strands (optional)

Hersteller*in: MongaShop, Brenda-Monica Pintea, Harkortstraße 16, 59174 Kamen, Germany,
Crazypatterns-Produkt-ID: 103859


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