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SUSANNE cape / rain cape pattern, sizes 110-152 (5-12 yr)
SUSANNE cape / rain cape pattern, sizes 110-152 (5-12 yr)
SUSANNE cape / rain cape pattern, sizes 110-152 (5-12 yr)
SUSANNE cape / rain cape pattern, sizes 110-152 (5-12 yr)
SUSANNE cape / rain cape pattern, sizes 110-152 (5-12 yr)
SUSANNE cape / rain cape pattern, sizes 110-152 (5-12 yr)
SUSANNE cape / rain cape pattern, sizes 110-152 (5-12 yr)
SUSANNE cape / rain cape pattern, sizes 110-152 (5-12 yr)
SUSANNE cape / rain cape pattern, sizes 110-152 (5-12 yr)
SUSANNE cape / rain cape pattern, sizes 110-152 (5-12 yr)
SUSANNE cape / rain cape pattern, sizes 110-152 (5-12 yr)

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Autor: ZierstoffPatterns
Sprache: English
Preis: 6,50 €
Mit dem Guthaben-Konto: 6,18 €
Alle Preisangaben inkl. MwSt. Auf Guthaben-Konto einzahlen »
Dieses Produkt wird angeboten in: English. Deine ausgewählte Sprache ist Deutsch. Willst Du diese Anleitung wirklich kaufen?

Auf den Merkzettel

Sewing instructions "eBook" and pattern for SUSANNEs cape, sizes 110-152 (5-12 yrs.)

This cape is a great jacket replacement and ideal for the transition temperatures. SUSANNE comes with two variations within the pattern - one with and one without a bias tape. The instructions also explain how to sew SUSANNE as rain cape or even a reversible cape.

Skill Level: Beginners and up

Recommended Fabric: Fleece

Provided with your purchase:

  • A Test Print document to help you ensure that you will print your pattern in the proper scale;
  • An “eBook”, with step-by-step instructions for sewing your project;
  • An “Overview”, which is a snapshot of all the pattern pieces;
  • The pattern pieces, in two paper size formats: A4 for our European customers, and US Letter for our North American customers. Simply print the PDF for the paper size you normally use.

This pattern includes 8 printable individual sizes:

EU: 110,116,122,128,134,140,146 and 152
International: 5-12 years

Required material based on a 1,40 meter (55") bolt:

Size EU (International): Required fabric in cm (in")
110 (5 yrs.): 115 cm (45 1/4")
116 (5-6 yrs.): 120 cm (47 1/4")
122 (6 yrs.): 125 cm (49 1/4")
128 (7-8 yrs.): 130 cm (51 1/8")
134 (8 yrs.): 135 cm (53 1/8")
140 (9-10 yrs.): 140 cm (55 1/8")
146 (10 yrs.): 145 cm (57 1/8")
152 (12 yrs.): 150 cm (59 1/8")

Enjoy sewing, your Zierstoff team,
Joanna & Julie


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