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Autor: TeaCosyFolk
Sprache: English
Preis: 4,14 €
Mit dem Guthaben-Konto: 3,93 €
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Dieses Produkt wird angeboten in: English. Deine ausgewählte Sprache ist Deutsch. Willst Du diese Anleitung wirklich kaufen?

Auf den Merkzettel

The Heavenly Brew Christmas Angel Tea Cosy Knitting Pattern is easy to follow and makes this truely amazing tea cosy that is simply stunning for Christmas. The Christmas angel tea cosy is the bringer of good tidings, trumpeting the good news and lighting the way.

I designed a fair isle pattern that looked both Christmassy with a twang of religious symbolism. I think the angels skirt looks a bit like a christmas tree and on the top is a cross.

The wings are knitted in the same fluffy yarn that the dress is trimmed with to give a feathery feel. The wings are knitted quite tightly on a small needle to stiffen them so that they are self supporting.

The angel is blowing a trumpet or bugle and you often see them depicted on Christmas cards.

I have given the angel a light up lantern to hold. It's made with a battery powered tea light candle and it makes the tea cosy feel really special and gives a warm glow, perfect for dark winter tea times.

The Christmas angel tea cosy is a special and luxurious tea cosy, perfect for celebrating the true meaning of Christmas.

The Christmas Angel tea cosy fits a medium sized tea pot that covers a Teapot that holds 6 to 8 cups or 2 pints.

The pattern will be available for digital download as soon as you have completed purchase, so you could start knitting her very soon!

This product is the knitting pattern only to make your own Christmas Angel tea cosy.

Was Du können solltest und was Du bekommst

The pattern includes Fairisle knitted from a chart.


The tea cosy fits a 2 pint teapot that holds 2 pints.

Benötigte Materialien

4.00 mm, UK size 8 or US size 6 Knitting needles,
39g Sirdar Touch Eskimo,
9g Hayfield Bonus DK Bright Lemon,
50g Hayfield Bonus DK White,
7g Hayfield Bonus DK Flesh Tone,
12g Hayfield Bonus DK Sunflower,
Stitch holder,
Battery Powered tea light candle,
Bamboo Skewer,
UHU Glue,

Sonstige Angaben des Autors/der Autorin

You are welcome to sell items from my pdf patterns. I ask that you include a note about the item being a ‘TeaCosyFolk Design’ on the tag at a craft fair or in the description if you are selling online.

This pattern is not to be resold, loaned, photocopied, scanned, uploaded to any website, transferred on to CD, or transmitted to a third party.

Copyright TeaCosyFolk 2019

If you need any support, there is a TeaCosyFolk Knitting Pattern Help group on Facebook here


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