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Synchronized Swimmer Tea Cosy Knitting Pattern
Synchronized Swimmer Tea Cosy Knitting Pattern
Synchronized Swimmer Tea Cosy Knitting Pattern
Synchronized Swimmer Tea Cosy Knitting Pattern
Synchronized Swimmer Tea Cosy Knitting Pattern
Synchronized Swimmer Tea Cosy Knitting Pattern
Synchronized Swimmer Tea Cosy Knitting Pattern
Synchronized Swimmer Tea Cosy Knitting Pattern
Synchronized Swimmer Tea Cosy Knitting Pattern
Synchronized Swimmer Tea Cosy Knitting Pattern
Synchronized Swimmer Tea Cosy Knitting Pattern
Synchronized Swimmer Tea Cosy Knitting Pattern
Synchronized Swimmer Tea Cosy Knitting Pattern

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Autor: TeaCosyFolk
Sprache: English
Preis: 4,17 €
Mit dem Guthaben-Konto: 3,96 €
Alle Preisangaben inkl. MwSt. Auf Guthaben-Konto einzahlen »
Dieses Produkt wird angeboten in: English. Deine ausgewählte Sprache ist Deutsch. Willst Du diese Anleitung wirklich kaufen?

Auf den Merkzettel

When your feeling summery and you are looking forward to a holiday with lots of time in and around the pool, the Synchronized Swimmer Tea Cosy Knitting Pattern is the perfect tea cosy project for you.

As is always the case with tea cosies; due to the shape of the teapot, the synchronized swimmer featured on the teapot is a curvy lady with a large bust.

The idea of synchronized swimmers is that they all look similar which is probably why they all wear matching swimming hats.

Whether you're a synchronized swimmer or not, what a lovely tea cosy for the summer? It makes you think of swimming pools and sunny holiday resorts.

The pattern is knitted on two pins and is easy to follow and there is a Youtube help video to accompany the pattern.

The Synchronized Swimmer tea cosy fits a medium sized teapot that covers a Teapot that holds 6 to 8 cups or 2 pints.

The pattern will be available for digital download as soon as you have completed purchase, so you could start knitting her very soon!

This product is the knitting pattern only; to knit your own Synchronized Swimmer tea cosy.

Was Du können solltest und was Du bekommst

The tea cosy knitting pattern is a written pattern with no charts. There are helpful photos and there is a Youtube help video to accompany the pattern for the bobble row for the toes.


The Synchronized Swimmer tea cosy fits a medium sized teapot that covers a Teapot that holds 6 to 8 cups or 2 pints.

Benötigte Materialien

5.5 mm, UK size 5 or US size 9 knitting needles,
4.00 mm, UK size 8 or US size 6 Knitting needles,
Stitch Holder,
25g Stylecraft Special DK Sherbet,
33g Stylecraft Special DK Toy,
30g Stylecraft Special DK Fiesta,
4g Stylecraft Special DK White,
1g Stylecraft Special DK Black,

Sonstige Angaben des Autors/der Autorin

Terms of use:
You are welcome to sell items made from my pdf patterns. I ask that you include a note about the item being a ‘TeaCosyFolk Design’ on the tag at a craft fair or in the description if you are selling online.

This pattern is not to be resold, loaned, photocopied, scanned, uploaded to any website, transferred on to CD, or transmitted to a third party.

Copyright TeaCosyFolk 2022
All rights reserved.

All patterns and photographs ©

Need help? Join the TeaCosyFolk Knitting Pattern Help Group on Facebook


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