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Autor: crochets4U
Preis: 4,99 €
Mit dem Guthaben-Konto: 4,74 €
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Dieses Produkt wird angeboten in: English, Dutch. Deine ausgewählte Sprache ist Deutsch. Willst Du diese Anleitung wirklich kaufen?

Auf den Merkzettel

With this pattern you can crochet this lovely elephant.

Crochet it in the color of your choice and in the material of your choice.

I used Catona-cotton and a hook size 3 mm. It took 260 grams + leftovers for the decorations.
This way the elephant measures 38 cm by 44 cm.

Make it in the material of your choice, with matching hook. The elephant will only be smaller or larger.

pattern in pdf, 19 pages
With clear description, handy tick off system, a lot of photos and tips.

Pattern is written in US term, but I have added a conversion chart for UK English.

After payment, you can download immediately. You will receive the pattern in English and Dutch.

I have put a lot of time and effort in this pattern.
I have no problem whatsoever with you selling what you have made with this pattern.
However, I would have a problem if you were to publish, sell or pass it on.

Was Du können solltest und was Du bekommst

pattern in pdf, 19 pages
With clear description, handy tick off system, a lot of photos and tips.

Pattern is written in US term, but I have added a conversion chart for UK English.

After payment, you can download immediately. You will receive the pattern in English and Dutch.


I used Catona-cotton and a hook size 3 mm. It took 260 grams + leftovers for the decorations.
This way the elephant measures 38 cm by 44 cm.

Make it in the material of your choice, with matching hook. The elephant will only be smaller or larger.

Benötigte Materialien

I used Catona-cotton and a hook size 3 mm. It took 260 grams + leftovers for the decorations.
This way the elephant measures 38 cm by 44 cm.

Make it in the material of your choice, with matching hook. The elephant will only be smaller or larger.

Sonstige Angaben des Autors/der Autorin

I have put a lot of time and effort in this pattern.
I have no problem whatsoever with you selling what you have made with this pattern.
However, I would have a problem if you were to publish, sell or pass it on.


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