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Autor: TeaCosyFolk
Sprache: English
Preis: 4,01 €
Mit dem Guthaben-Konto: 3,81 €
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Dieses Produkt wird angeboten in: English. Deine ausgewählte Sprache ist Deutsch. Willst Du diese Anleitung wirklich kaufen?

Auf den Merkzettel

TeaCosyFolk's Tuba Player Tea Cosy Knitting Pattern is new and exciting and is a wonderful teatime tribute to tubists and brass band players.

TeaCosyFolk's Tuba Player Tea Cosy Knitting Pattern is the perfect tea cosy for when you have a brass band coming to tea!

This wonderful brass instrument-inspired tea cosy is fun and quirky and oozes personality. It's such an animated tea cosy and perfect for people who love brass bands or that play a brass instrument.

The lady playing the tuba is the actual tea cosy. This tea cosy fits a medium sized Price and Kensington teapot that holds 2 pints. 

The lady has spikey hair and little puffed cheeks. Her hand are knitted with individual digits so that her fingers can be placed on the valves.

The tuba has a large bell and then a long network of tubing that creates the low-pitched OomPahPah sound that tubas are known for.

The pattern is knitted on two pins and is easy to follow with two Youtube help video for the trickier bit, links to the videos are included in the knitting pattern.

The Tuba Player tea cosy fits a medium sized teapot that covers a Teapot that holds 6 to 8 cups or 2 pints.

The pattern will be available for digital download as soon as you have completed purchase, so you could start knitting her very soon!

This product is the knitting pattern only; to knit your own Tubaist tea cosy.

Was Du können solltest und was Du bekommst

The pattern is written in English and knitted on two pins and is easy to follow, with two Youtube help video for the trickier bit, links to the videos are included in the knitting pattern.


The Tuba Player tea cosy fits a medium sized teapot that covers a Teapot that holds 6 to 8 cups or 2 pints.

Benötigte Materialien

5.5 mm, UK size 5 or US size 9 knitting needles,
4.00 mm, UK size 8 or US size 6 Knitting needles,
Stitch Holder,
22g Stylecraft Special DK Spice,
33g Stylecraft Special DK Citron,
32g Stylecraft Special DK Tomato,
18g Stylecraft Special DK Toy,
1g Stylecraft Special DK Black,
A4 sheet of Yellow Funky Foam,

Sonstige Angaben des Autors/der Autorin

Terms of use:
You are welcome to sell items made from my pdf patterns. I ask that you include a note about the item being a ‘TeaCosyFolk Design’ on the tag at a craft fair or in the description if you are selling online.

This pattern is not to be resold, loaned, photocopied, scanned, uploaded to any website, transferred on to CD, or transmitted to a third party.

Copyright TeaCosyFolk 2023
All rights reserved.

All patterns and photographs ©

Need help? Join the TeaCosyFolk Knitting Pattern Help Group on Facebook

TeaCosyFolk is on Youtube


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