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Autor: Natalija
Sprache: English
Preis: 4,19 €
Mit dem Guthaben-Konto: 3,98 €
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Dieses Produkt wird angeboten in: English. Deine ausgewählte Sprache ist Deutsch. Willst Du diese Anleitung wirklich kaufen?

Auf den Merkzettel

You can make them in many different colours and your baby will have always elegant shoes fitting to each outfit.
If you are just beginner, don't worry, this pattern is very detailed so you just need to follow it precisely and it will be very easy to make them!
For your convenience there is step by step description and many photos.

3 Size Pattern:

Size 1: 1-3 M

Size 2: 3-6 M

Size 3: 6-12 M

FORMAT: PDF with 100 Foto. There is row-by-row (Step by Step) directions


Price is for the PATTERN only, not the finished product.

All photos are copyrighted and all rights to this pattern are owned by Natalija Puschkina.
Do not copy, share, resell, or forward this pattern to anyone. No part of this work may be reproduced transmitted or published in any form or by any means without prior written permission from Natalija Puschkina
Permission is granted to sell your finished item on a limited basis with a reference to designer's pattern in your listing ex:

Natalija Puschkina © 2015

Thank you for looking and keep an eye out for more shoe patterns to come!

Hersteller*in: Natalija Puskina, Ozolu Iela, Tilbites, LV-4101 Amatciems, Latvia,
Crazypatterns-Produkt-ID: 9423


2.1 30.399
15 Bewertungen



bridget-anderson1 20. Juli 2022
Absolute rubbish
The pic looked simple enough but OMG the instructions are nonsense. Over 50 years knitting and it is a load of rubbish and does not make sense at all. I so wish I had read the review but going by the pic how hard could it be....lesson learned and want my money back!!
War diese Bewertung hilfreich? Ja | Nein
sally-marchant 12. April 2018
These were the first boots I made, easy to understand and very pleased with the result
War diese Bewertung hilfreich? Ja | 1 Nein
jojo123 12. April 2018
not very clear explications
War diese Bewertung hilfreich? Ja | Nein
andreeg 12. April 2018
Nice little booties but the explanation was not easy to understand. Not written like an American or UK knitting pattern. I couldn't make them and had to find another pattern. Shame because these booties look a lot better than the ones I made.
War diese Bewertung hilfreich? Ja | Nein
huggywell 16. März 2016
terrible pattern
badly written, don't waste your money on it!
War diese Bewertung hilfreich? Ja | Nein


  • vicki-strachan vor 2 Jahren
    I just bought this pattern and no matter what I do it will not down load. I would like a. Refund pls
  • Antwort
  • joy-shaw vor 2 Jahren
    I bought this pattern yesterday and I'm very disappointed with it. It's not easy to follow and although I've allowed for the difficult translation to English, it is still not at all clear. I am an experience knitter and run my own business knitting baby clothes. I've been knitting for about 60years but parts of this had me stumped. it's not worth the money and it's wasted money. I've gone to Etsy and paid double but got a very good pattern and already made 2 sets of trainer bootees.
  • Antwort
  • evelyn-adams1 vor 2 Jahren
    I have to agree that this is a very poorly written pattern but that is probably because of the language barrier, not always easy to translate to English. However, I did not have any problems downloading, printing or saving the English version but will need to go through it and re-write it in a format that I can understand - I absolutely hate picture instructions and prefer written instructions. Not worth paying for when you have to do all the work yourself.
  • Antwort
  • meg-connor vor 3 Jahren
    I bought the baby converse pattern but don't have winzip and can't open the pattern. Absolutely nowhere in the contact section to send a message about this!
    could you send as pdf please?
  • Antwort
    • margaret-hall2 meg-connor vor 3 Jahren
      I did as well they don't want to know after they get the payment
    • Antwort
  • lorne-dryburgh vor 5 Jahren
    Do the words "pick up" and "loop" mean "cast on" and "stitch"?
  • Antwort

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