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Autor: ZierstoffPatterns
Sprache: English
Preis: 5,99 €
Mit dem Guthaben-Konto: 5,69 €
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Dieses Produkt wird angeboten in: English. Deine ausgewählte Sprache ist Deutsch. Willst Du diese Anleitung wirklich kaufen?

Auf den Merkzettel

Would you like to sew a gorgeous dress or tunic top? Even absolute beginners can celebrate great successes with this pattern. Our top seller FLORA repeatedly enthuses and we over and over again get a lot of positive feedback for this style. Therefore we have now also designed BETTY, which has straight rear straps and is slightly more favourable as a dress. To alter the FLORA pattern to BETTY is a bit tricky, although it looks easy. Thus we are offering you an attractive package including FLORA and BETTY in one. Why don´t you have a look?

What are we going to provide you with?

– Detailed sewing instructions for FLORAs dress. We exactly explain everything step by step.

– This pattern includes 8 printable individual sizes (62,68,74,80,86,92,98 and 104 / 6 months – 4/5 years).

– IMPORTANT: the patterns will be provided in Din A4 format and US Letter format giving you the possibility to decide, which format you prefer! So please don´t be surprised, why we are sending you several PDFs.

– PDF file to store and print out. How to print the files: please look at “printing patterns”. We also have a YouTube video explaining the print out:

– No “talk shop” but simple explanations

– The matching YouTube video “DIY basic sewing tutorial how to sew FLORAs frock / apron / tunic top / dress:

as well as

“DIY basic sewing tutorial how to sew pockets, patched pockets, side pockets”:

By the way, we also offer this pattern in the sizes 110-152 / 5 yrs. – 12 yrs. in our shop!

Material/Bias Tape consumption having 1,10-1,40 metres / 1.2-4.6 yds. fabric width:

Size: Material + Bias Tape consumption
62 & 68 / 6 mo. & 9 mo. 54 cm + 2,70 metres /21 1/4" + 2.95 yds.
74 & 80 / 12 mo. & 18 mo. 57 cm + 2,85 metres /22 1/2" + 3.12 yds.
86 & 92 / 24 mo. & 2 yrs. 60 cm + 3,05 metres/23 5/8" + 3.34 yds.
98 & 104 / 3 yrs. & 4/5 yrs. 63 cm + 3,25 metres /24 3/4" + 3.55 yds.

Recommended fabric for this style:
Either un-stretched or slightly stretched fabrics. The lighter the fabrics are, the nicer the dress falls.

How does the download work?
a) Payment via PayPal: You can download your order directly after the payment process.
b) Payment via prepayment: As soon as your payment is credited to our account, the link is sent to you.

It is prohibited to copy and pass on the pattern.

You may use the pattern for private purposes, which includes the fabrication of single parts, small batches and also the resale.

In case the pattern is used please refer to “pattern from”

Enjoy sewing!

Your Zierstoff Team


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