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Autor: CrossStitchFreak
Sprache: English
Preis: 4,90 €
Mit dem Guthaben-Konto: 4,66 €
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Auf den Merkzettel

✂ ✂ ✂ Swan Reflection ✂ ✂ ✂
You will receive the cross stitch pattern as PDF files, available for instant download. The digital files are optimized for printing an paper or fore use on the screens of tablets, mobile phones or laptops (well tested for Pattern Keeper, WinStitch, etc.). You can buy these files right here and download them immediately.
I managed to simplify this cross stitch pattern to 16 colors without losing the variety and the lightness of the impression. The pattern has a size of 258 x 139 stitches. Depending on the fabric type, this corresponds to a size of 12.9 inch x 7 inch or 32.8 cm x 17.7 cm (AIDA 20ct) to 21.5 inch x 11.6 inch or 54.6 cm x 29.4 cm (AIDA 12ct)
Young swans that are not yet fully grown are not white but brown.
This lively cross stitch pattern uses a minimum of colours and is very well suited to be presented on a larger canvas than the one shown. For example, a tablecloth would be a splendid presentation.

Was Du können solltest und was Du bekommst

You get ready-made cross stitch patterns and calculations of thread lengths and fabric sizes for 12ct, 14ct, 16ct and 20ct:

✅ Pattern ready to print for black and white printer
✅ Pattern ready to print for color printer
✅ Seamless patterns for all screen
✅ Pattern Keeper tested PDF
✅ Winstitch, Macstitch, Cross Stitch Markup tested CHART
✅ Calculation of thread length and fabric size


✅ swan-reflection-PRINTER.pdf
for printing on paper. Includes overwievs, calculation of thread lengths and fabric sizes.
✅ swan-reflection-SCREEN.pdf
for using on tablets, mobile phones or laptops - seamless patterns without page division.
✅ swan-reflection-PATTERNKEEPER.pdf
for user of the cross stitch app Pattern Keeper.
✅ swan-reflection-STITCH.pdf
a locked file (only view an print, no editing)
for user of the cross stitch apps Winstitch, Macstitch or Cross Stitch Markup.
A brief explanation of how to use these files.


✅ 16 different colors (DMC)
✅ Pattern Complexity: Medium
✅ Level of Difficulty: Medium


The swan is a symbol of purity and fidelity, of vanity and metamorphosis, its swan song stands for the mirage of exteriority and vocal dissonance. In antiquity, the swan was already sung about and attributed to the gods; Zeus and Apollo are depicted with swans, they pull heavenly chariots and can be found on pieces of jewellery.


✅ Only 16 different colors - well optimized for DMC thread

✅ Pattern Size -Stitches: 258 x 139
✅ AIDA 20ct: 12.9 inch x 7 inch or 32.8 cm x 17.7 cm| max Ø = 15 inch or 38 cm
✅ AIDA 16ct: 16.1 inch x 8.7 inch or 41 cm x 22.1 cm| max Ø = 19 inch or 47 cm
✅ AIDA 14ct: 18.4 inch x 9.9 inch or 46.8 cm x 25.2 cm| max Ø = 21 inch or 54 cm
✅ AIDA 12ct: 21.5 inch x 11.6 inch or 54.6 cm x 29.4 cm| max Ø = 25 inch or 63 cm

✅ Detailed evaluations for Aida 12ct, 14ct, 16ct and 20ct:

  • Thread lengths
  • Thread color names
  • Thread color numbers for DMC
  • Pattern size
  • Fabric size

Benötigte Materialien

✅ PDF Viewer
✅ Fabric (for example AIDA or linen)
✅ Thread - evaluation for DMC thread: 16 different colors
✅ Nades, frames, etc.

Happy stitching! 😉


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