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Autor: Dutor
Sprache: English
Preis: 3,58 € 1,79 €
Mit dem Guthaben-Konto: 1,70 €
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Auf den Merkzettel

Get started on your DIY project immediately with this user-friendly animal crochet pattern provided in a convenient PDF format. The crochet pattern for the adorable tiny cat is easy to understand, and the detailed step-by-step tutorial will assist you in mastering each stitch, even if you're new to crochet toy patterns.

Was Du können solltest und was Du bekommst

This pattern is written in English and uses US crochet terminology with UK terminology given in italics in round brackets ( ) afterward.

SKILL LEVEL: Advanced Beginner.
This pattern does not teach the basics of crochet. This crochet pattern consists only of written instructions and how-to photos that explain how to crochet an amigurumi kitty.

• magic loop;
• ch - chain;
• sc - single crochet (double crochet);
• inc - single crochet increase (double crochet increase);
• dec - single crochet invisible decrease (double crochet decrease).


The kitten will be about 2.2 in (5.5 cm) tall using the yarn and hook size indicated.

Benötigte Materialien

• Cotton yarn for crochet (3-4 ply) in grey (approx. 7g).
I used Hobbii Rainbow Cotton 8/4. You can use any yarn that is comfortable and suitable for you. You can use any colors and combine them as you like;
• Crochet hook B/1 (2.25 mm) or according to the yarn you use. You can use a thinner hook, like 2mm, to crochet small details such as ears or tail;
• Cotton black and white threads (1 ply) for face embroidery, you can also use safety eyes for toys;
• Scissors, yarn needle, embroidery needle, and sewing pins;
• Polyester fiberfill stuffing (approx. 3g);
• Stitch marker or piece of scrap yarn to mark the start of each round.

Sonstige Angaben des Autors/der Autorin


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However, you are welcome to sell or share the finished product that you create using our digital items.

Hersteller*in: Dutor, Olena Torbin, 6 Pryozerna Street, 04211 Kyiv, Ukraine,
Crazypatterns-Produkt-ID: 92499


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