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Montag, 28. Januar 2019
TansuluuCraftHaus Beiträge Store

Free Knitting Pattern. Felted Baby Boy Boots


ca. 100 gr 100% Wool Filzi by Schoeller+Stahl 54 yards/50 grams, yarn weight - Bulky / 12 ply (7 wpi),
set of 5 mm double point needles, pearls or buttons, crochet hook 4 mm


knit stitch (ks),

purl stitch (ps),

yarn over (yo),

knit two stitches together (k2tog),

purl two stitches together (p2tog)




The length of the sole of bootie is ca 9-10 cm.


Please remember that every yarn felts differently according to different ways of spinning or dyeing. You can vary size by going up with needle size or using thicker yarn.


This pattern begins at the bottom of the bootie and works up toward the cuff.


Cast on 7 stitches.

  • 7 ks
  • 1 ks, yo, 5 ks, yo, 1 ks
  • 9 ks
  • 1 ks, yo, 7 ks, yo, 1 ks
  • 11 ks
  • 1 ks, yo, 9 ks, yo, 1 ks
  • 13 ks 13 rows
  • 1 ks, yo, 11 ks, yo, 1 ks
  • 15 ks 11 rows
  • 1 ks, k2tog, 9 ks, k2tog, 1 ks
  • 13 ks
  • 1 ks, k2tog, 7 ks, k2tog, 1 ks
  • 11 ks
  • 1 ks, k2tog, 5 ks, k2tog, 1 ks
  • 9 ks
  • 1 ks, k2tog, 3 ks, k2tog, 1 ks
  • Cast off 7 stitches

Sides of bootie:

Cast on 18 stitches on each of the sides of the bootie, 14 stitches on top and 12 stitches on back

  • 3 rows ks
  • 18 ks, 12 ks, 17 ks, k2tog(18th st from the side and 1st from the top), 12 ks, k2tog(last from the top and 1st from the side)
  • 1 row ks
  • 17 ks, 12 ks, 16 ks, k2tog(17th st from the side and 1st from the top), 12 ks, k2tog(last from the top and 1st from the side)
  • 1 row ks
  • 16 ks, 12 ks, 16 ks, 1 ks, k2tog, 1 ks, k2tog, 2 ks, k2tog, 1 ks, k2tog, 1 ks
  • 16 ks, 12 ks, 16 ks, 9 ks, k2tog(the last of the top and first of the side), *turn work, slip one stitch as to purl, 8 ps, p2tog; turn work, slip one stitch as to knit, 8 ks, k2tog* in pink
  • Repeat from* till* 11 times until the total number of stitches is 42 (10 top, 12 back and 10 on each of the sides), ending with the purl row. Do not fasten off.


10 stitches on the top of bootie: 14 rows ks. Leave a long tail and with the help of blunt needle sew stitches of the last row (stitch by stitch) to the left side of bootie.

42 stitches on back and sides: 7 rows *2 ks, 2 ps*

Around the cuff work one row in crab stitch (reverse single crochet).

In dark blue: cast on 20 stitches.

Row 1: P all stitches

Row 2: K all sts

Row 3: P all sts

Cast off all st and all around crochet with crab stitch. Weave in all ends.

To felt I use my washing machine at a heat of 60° C. When booties are felted to the desired size, pull them into shape and let dry thoroughly. You can decorate booties by stitching on them or adding pearls and felted motives. I also used liquid latex for the soles of booties in order to prevent slipping.

COPYRIGHT AND LICENSING NOTICE: You can use the pattern for personal use only. You do not have the right to print the pattern for other people (unless they reside in your household) or to transfer the digital file to any other person. This pattern may not be sold, copied, or distributed in any way.

You are welcome to sell finished products made from my patterns. I would absolutely appreciate it if you mention my shop name and address in your listings. Both my patterns and my images are copyright protected and you may not use my images to sell your finished items.

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