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Mittwoch, 5. Mai 2021
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Blog-Inhaltsbild für 'Tapestry Crochet - Coaster'


For this project you need basic crochet knowledge (single crochets).


If you prefer knitting, you will find the pattern for the same coaster as double knitting version in this blog entry:



  • Schachenmayr Organic Cotton (155 m / 50 gr), two different colours, about 10 gr each (or similar yarn)
  • Crochet hook 2,5 mm
  • Sewing needle
  • Scissors



Gauge (tapestry crochet with both colours):

24 stitches x 25 rows = approx. 10 x 10 cm

The finished coaster will be approx. 13,5 cm x 13,5 cm

If the gauge is different, the measurements of the finished coaster will also change.



Tapestry Crochet Technique:

The coaster is crocheted only with single crochets.

Colour 1 is the background colour (here yellow), colour 2 is the motif colour (here green).

The crochet chart shows which colour is used to do the single crochet. The colour that is not needed in each case is enclosed into the single crochet.

Before changing the colour, the last stitch of one colour is finished with the new colour : you start the single crochet with colour one, i.e. you pull the yarn through (colour one), and when you have the two loops on the hook, you finish the single crochet by pulling through the other yarn (new colour).

For this coaster the colour not used is always enclosed, from the first to the last stitch (so that all stitches are even).

After each row there is a turning chain (you don`t enclose the other colour for that). As the threads cross each other once at each colour change, I recommend you to sort them after each row.

To be sure that the enclosed thread is not accidentally pulled too tight, it is helpful to gently stretch the crochet piece a little in width after a row.

The crochet pattern must be read in rows alternating from right to left, then from left to right. In these instructions row 1 and all further odd rows are worked from right to left, row 2 and all further even rows are worked from left to right.


Let`s start:

In the example shown, yellow is used as background colour, green is used as motif colour. The coaster has a width of 30 stitches.

Chain 30 + 1 turning chain in yellow with the crochet hook (not too loose, as the crocheted coaster will be rather tight due to the two colours).


Blog-Inhaltsbild für 'Tapestry Crochet - Coaster'



Row 1 of the crochet pattern


The chart is worked from right to left (odd row).


Crochet all 30 single crochets in yellow; the first single crochet goes into the second chain from the hook. The green thread is enclosed into the single stitches in the first row.

To do this, place the green thread along the yellow foundation chain:

Blog-Inhaltsbild für 'Tapestry Crochet - Coaster'



Insert hook into the second chain and lead it under the green thread (the yellow thread lies above the green thread):

Blog-Inhaltsbild für 'Tapestry Crochet - Coaster'



Pull the yellow yarn through and do a single crochet. The green thread is now enclosed in the yellow single crochet:

Blog-Inhaltsbild für 'Tapestry Crochet - Coaster'



Repeat until end of row.

The green thread is now enclosed in every single crochet of this row.

If it sees through a bit, that's perfectly fine, it's hardly noticeable later in the overall picture:

Blog-Inhaltsbild für 'Tapestry Crochet - Coaster'



1 turning chain, turn.



Row 2 of the crochet pattern :


The chart is worked from left to right (even row).


18 single crochets in yellow (the green thread is enclosed in each single crochet) - finish the 18th stitch in green (you now have a green loop on the hook):

Blog-Inhaltsbild für 'Tapestry Crochet - Coaster'



1 single crochet in green; now the yellow thread is enclosed in the single crochet; finish this single crochet in yellow (you now have a yellow loop on the hook):

Blog-Inhaltsbild für 'Tapestry Crochet - Coaster'



11 single crochets in yellow until the end of the row; the green thread is enclosed in each single crochet.

Blog-Inhaltsbild für 'Tapestry Crochet - Coaster'



1 turning chain. Turn and sort threads. Don’t forget to gently stretch the fabric.



Row 3 of the crochet pattern :


The chart is worked from right to left (odd row).

12 single crochets in yellow; the green thread is enclosed in each single crochet - finish the 12th stitch in green.

1 single crochet in green; the yellow thread is enclosed in the single crochet; finish this single crochet in yellow.

17 single crochets in yellow until the end of the row; the green thread is enclosed in each single crochet.

Blog-Inhaltsbild für 'Tapestry Crochet - Coaster'



1 turning chain. Turn and sort threads.


Crochet like this row 4-30 of the Crochet Chart.

Finish the last single crochet of the 30th row in green, so you can crochet around the coaster with green. Cut the yellow thread.

Blog-Inhaltsbild für 'Tapestry Crochet - Coaster'





Now work one round of single crochets around the coaster.

Chain one with green and work 30 single crochets on the left side edge (one single crochet into each row). You can enclose the yellow strand so you save yourself the weaving in…

Blog-Inhaltsbild für 'Tapestry Crochet - Coaster'



For the corner, work 3 single crochets into the last stitch.

Blog-Inhaltsbild für 'Tapestry Crochet - Coaster'



Now work 30 single crochets on the foundation chain. Work 3 single crochets into the last stitch for the corner.

Blog-Inhaltsbild für 'Tapestry Crochet - Coaster'



Continue like this and work 30 single crochets each on the next two edges.

Finish with a sling stitch into the first green single crochet.

Blog-Inhaltsbild für 'Tapestry Crochet - Coaster'



Cut yarn and pull through. Weave in all left ends.


I hope you enjoyed crocheting this coaster!



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