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Montag, 11. Juli 2022
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Blog-Inhaltsbild für 'Learning aid "Calculating with your hands"' Blog-Inhaltsbild für 'Learning aid "Calculating with your hands"'


– YarnArt Jeans 50gr /160m

– 1,75 crochet hook

– a needle for sewing, a pair of scissors, a push button or adhesive Backed Hoop & Loop, Double-sided tape, plastic table mat, in my case 43 х 28 cm

Blog-Inhaltsbild für 'Learning aid "Calculating with your hands"'


ch – Chain 

sl st – slip stitch

sc – single crochet

hdc – half double crochet

dc – double crochet 

inc – increase

dec – decrease



13 ch

1. From the 2rd ch from the hook, crochet 12  sc, ch, turn

2. 11  sc, inc,  ch, turn

Blog-Inhaltsbild für 'Learning aid "Calculating with your hands"' Blog-Inhaltsbild für 'Learning aid "Calculating with your hands"'

3. 13  sc, ch, turn

4. 12  sc, inc, ch, turn

5. 14  sc, ch, turn

6. 12  sc, inc, ch, turn

Blog-Inhaltsbild für 'Learning aid "Calculating with your hands"'

7. 15  sc, ch, turn

8. 14  sc, inc, ch, turn

9. 15  sc, ch, turn

10. 15  sc, inc, ch, turn

11. 17  sc, ch, turn

12. inc, 15  sc, inc, ch, turn

13 - 15. 19  sc, ch, turn

16. inc, 17  sc, inc, ch, turn

17-20. 21  sc, ch, turn

21. inc, 11  sc, inc, ch, turn

22-31. 23  sc, ch, turn

32. dec, 21  sc, ch, turn

33. 20  sc, dec, ch, turn

34. 21  sc

Bind off. To cut off a thread.

Blog-Inhaltsbild für 'Learning aid "Calculating with your hands"'


Middle finger

4 ch

1. From the 2rd ch from the hook, crochet 3  sc, ch, turn

2. inc, 1  sc, inc, ch, turn

3-26. 5  sc, ch, turn

Bind off. To cut off a thread.


Index and ring finger

4 ch

1. From the 2rd ch from the hook, crochet 3  sc, ch, turn

2. inc, 1  sc, inc, ch, turn

3-23. 5  sc, ch, turn

Bind off. To cut off a thread.

Blog-Inhaltsbild für 'Learning aid "Calculating with your hands"'

Little finger

3 ch

1. From the 2rd ch from the hook, crochet 2  sc, ch, turn

2. 2 inc, ch, turn

3-14. 4  sc, ch, turn

15. 3 sc, inc, ch, turn

16. inc, 2 sc, dec, ch, turn

17. 2 sl st, 1 sc, 2 dc

Bind off. To cut off a thread.

Blog-Inhaltsbild für 'Learning aid "Calculating with your hands"'



4 ch

1. From the 2rd ch from the hook, crochet 3  sc, ch, turn

2. 1  sc, inc, 1  sc, ch, turn

3. inc, 2  sc, inc, ch, turn

4-16. 6  sc, ch, turn

17. inc, 4  sc, inc, ch, turn

18. inc, 6  sc, inc, ch, turn

Blog-Inhaltsbild für 'Learning aid "Calculating with your hands"'

19. 3 sl st, 3  sc,  4 dc, ch, turn

Blog-Inhaltsbild für 'Learning aid "Calculating with your hands"'

20. 4 dc, 3 sc, 3 sl st, ch, turn

Blog-Inhaltsbild für 'Learning aid "Calculating with your hands"'

21. 3 sl st, 3  sc, 3 dc, inc dc,  ch, turn

Bind off. To cut off a thread.

Blog-Inhaltsbild für 'Learning aid "Calculating with your hands"'

Sew the fingers as shown in the photo.

Blog-Inhaltsbild für 'Learning aid "Calculating with your hands"' Blog-Inhaltsbild für 'Learning aid "Calculating with your hands"'

All along the edge of the details crochet sc.

Blog-Inhaltsbild für 'Learning aid "Calculating with your hands"' Blog-Inhaltsbild für 'Learning aid "Calculating with your hands"'

Now sew on a push button or adhesive Backed Hoop & Loop, your choice.

Blog-Inhaltsbild für 'Learning aid "Calculating with your hands"' Blog-Inhaltsbild für 'Learning aid "Calculating with your hands"' Blog-Inhaltsbild für 'Learning aid "Calculating with your hands"'

Place all the parts on the plastic base. In my case, the size of the plastic base is 43 x 28 cm. In a small transparent folder, add a sheet of colored paper inside. On one side we glue double-sided tape or glue, your choice. In the same way, small pieces of tape are placed on the other side of the hand. Glue it to our base.

Blog-Inhaltsbild für 'Learning aid "Calculating with your hands"' Blog-Inhaltsbild für 'Learning aid "Calculating with your hands"' Blog-Inhaltsbild für 'Learning aid "Calculating with your hands"'

This is what it looks like on both sides. With a colored marker we write the tasks and we can wipe them off with a wet wipe.

Blog-Inhaltsbild für 'Learning aid "Calculating with your hands"' Blog-Inhaltsbild für 'Learning aid "Calculating with your hands"'

You can add more elements of the game, such as colorful figures.

Blog-Inhaltsbild für 'Learning aid "Calculating with your hands"' Blog-Inhaltsbild für 'Learning aid "Calculating with your hands"'

I wish you fun activities with your child!

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More of my free patterns here

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