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How do I contact support?

Do you have a problem which is not addressed in our help area or in our FAQs? You can always contact our support team.

No matter where you are on our website, be it either the homepage, a product page, your account dashboard or the forum, you will always find support in the grey area in the footer of the page:

Help page image for 'Contact support'

Once you click "Contact support", frequently asked questions will appear. Can you already find your question there? Click "Read more".

Help page image for 'Contact support'

If you have a different question, you can choose if you want to ask your question in the forum or contact one of our employees.

You will often find another user in the forum who can help you. If you cannot find a solution, contact one of our employees. You can do so by clicking the link below:

This will open a page with a contact form:

Help page image for 'Contact support'

Enter your username and e-mail address if the form is not filled automatically.

Now choose your issue: Into which are does your problem fall?

  • Technical Problem = Do you have technical problems?

  • Account, Selling and Buying = Do you have a question or issue with your account, selling or buying?

  • Affiliate Program = Do you have your own website and would like to work with us on provision?

You can now ask your question or describe your problem. We will get back to you as soon as possible. However, if we are busy, it might happen that you have to wait for a reply for a maximum of two days.

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