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Montag, 15. Januar 2018 um 12:43
I purchased this pattern but I can't get it to down load in English.  Can any one tell me how to do that?  Please and thank you.  Lori

Montag, 15. Januar 2018 um 13:22
Hi Lori,

I couln't find a pattern which fits to your description. 
Which one do you mean?

Not every pattern is available in English, maybe this is the problem here?


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Montag, 15. Januar 2018 um 14:04
3134217472 is the basket number. After I purchased this  pattern I was then told not all patterns are available in English. Thinking I should of been told that before I purchased the pattern. Lori

Montag, 15. Januar 2018 um 14:23
Hello Lori,
I'm sorry to hear about this.
Usually, the language of the product description is the same as the language of the pattern itself - or you'll see a little flag for German or English.

What you can do now is contact the author of that pattern and ask if they happen to have an English version of the pattern available.

Forum-Signaturbild von 'AramisvonK'Forum-Signaturbild von 'AramisvonK'Forum-Signaturbild von 'AramisvonK'Forum-Signaturbild von 'AramisvonK'
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For more cute amigurumis and useful little gifts visit my shop:
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Montag, 15. Januar 2018 um 14:49
I then now ask for a refund as while not much money this should of been explained before buying the pattern as when I translated the page to English I thought the pattern would come through the same way. 

Montag, 15. Januar 2018 um 20:49
I really recommend getting in touch with the author of that particular pattern first - if you click on the pattern page you'll find the name of the author, and then you can click on "contact" to ask if they have the pattern available in English.

And please note that all the patterns on this page are written by individual and independent authors while the website Crazypatterns itself is being maintained centrally. That's why the language of the website as a whole is not necessarily connected to the language of the individual patterns.
However, having said that, if the pattern description (the text that explains what pattern you're about to purchase) was in fact in English, then the pattern should be available in English as well.
Forum-Signaturbild von 'AramisvonK'Forum-Signaturbild von 'AramisvonK'Forum-Signaturbild von 'AramisvonK'Forum-Signaturbild von 'AramisvonK'
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For more cute amigurumis and useful little gifts visit my shop:
Come on in. I'm looking forward to meeting you there!

Dienstag, 16. Januar 2018 um 12:09
While the pattern name and I guess the author of the pattern isn't in English the rest of it is. I have no way of figuring out the author and how to contact the author and again at this time I ask for a refund for the pattern. 

Dienstag, 16. Januar 2018 um 13:42
Could you please post the link to the pattern here so we can help you get in touch with the author?
Forum-Signaturbild von 'AramisvonK'Forum-Signaturbild von 'AramisvonK'Forum-Signaturbild von 'AramisvonK'Forum-Signaturbild von 'AramisvonK'
Mehr Anleitungen für niedliche Amigurumis und kleine Geschenke findet ihr in meinem Shop:
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For more cute amigurumis and useful little gifts visit my shop:
Come on in. I'm looking forward to meeting you there!

Wollness Designs
Dienstag, 16. Januar 2018 um 13:56

I suppose you mean this pattern:

I think there is no pattern in English, unfortunately. Please contact the author using this link and ask for help:

Mittwoch, 17. Januar 2018 um 13:11
Hallo Tina, Stefanie und Michaela,

vielen Dank an euch, dass ihr der Kundin geantwortet habt. Sie hat mittlerweile Kontakt zu mir aufgenommen und die Situation ist geklärt.

LG Petra
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Hier geht es zu meinem Shop

oder besuch mich auf facebook und verpasse nichts Neues mehr.

Mittwoch, 17. Januar 2018 um 14:14
I wrote to the author and she replied the only pattern she had in English is My First Sneakers. I see from other comments on your web site several other people have this same issue.  I have filed a claim with pay pal for a refund since asking you gets me no where's.  I also had people try to help me with programs and such that translate and they just don't work.  Or I have to type in the pattern which is many pages long.  Please just refund my money for the pattern and I will not come to your site ever again.  Lori

Mittwoch, 17. Januar 2018 um 18:53
We will contact you if we have proofed a refund.
Mario | CEO SIA AISYS / CrazyPatterns |

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